Friday, January 13, 2012

The Caged Pee

The day went on with a lot of sleeping and tender walking.  When the man left Betty in the cage for a while in the afternoon, she peed and was very upset.  Not only because he left her when she was obviously not at her best, but because she peed in the cage.  And even though this had happened more than once, it was honestly upsetting every time.

I mean, where does one stand?  She scratched at the blankets and puffy doggy bed to push them back away from the pee, but it only seemed to mix it up more.  And the anxiety of that made her pee just a little extra.  Now that the bed and everything had pee on it, she just couldn't figure out what to do.

And of course the man was upset, as he is every time.  Stripping the blankets out and taking them to the basement.  Spraying the floor and the cage.  Muttering. 

But by evening, the kids and the man and the lady were playing a game at the table near the couches.  And Betty just laid on top of the lady's coat (which is the warmest spot ever) and watched them happily.

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